Calibrium – Services for Laboratories in Construction Business

Another project succesfully finished and launched. A simple presentation for a Slovak company providing services for laboratories in construction business. I provided and executed the whole presentation, from graphic design to integration with WordPress content management system.

Front page welcomes you and provides a concise description of what this company offers.

Keywords: Služby pre skúšobné laboratóriá v stavebníctveOrganizácia a vyhodnocovanie experimentov zhodnosti pre skúšobné laboratóriáTechnické merania, analýzy a posudky v oblasti kvality a statiky stavieb.


Kvalitest – Construction Business Services

I am very proud of this one. Kvalitest – Stavebné skúšobníctvo a geotechnika dates back to around 2007 and as such is among the first professional websites I’ve build in my career. After 8 years I am satisfied with how the design and implementation is still going strong and stands the test of time. Granted, it’s a simple website, it could use a touch of responsiveness for the mobile devices, but it “gets the job done” par excellence.

In the backend it features a PHP CMS I’ve build back in the day, called Wildflower (now discontinued).
