Trying out Ubuntu

I am happily moved to my new home for more then two weeks now. I was both lazy and occupied to write something. But right now I have a good reason. I bought a new hard drive and guess what? I installed Ubuntu on it to dual boot with Windows. It was not that new to me, because I was playing with Ubuntu before but that changed when I installed XGL and Compiz. I was simply amazed. In the area of 3D accelerated user interface Compiz can not be compared to XP not even Vista. Take a look at this video but you really have to experience it first hand to see the potential. One thing however still keeps me from using Ubuntu for my everyday work. Font displaying. Clear Type is so much better that everything that can be set up in Ubuntu (yes, I tried various guides how to make this better). This really is important to me because texts are the thing I look most at when behind a computer and they have to be as smooth as possible. So Iโ€™ll probably stay with Windows for some more time, but I feel it wonโ€™t be for long.