Here comes the ThickBox

I found even better solution for displaying images than Lightbox. It’s called ThickBox, it’s build on jQuery library, together they have only 27 Kb and does a few things that Lightbox can’t. It automaticaly resizes the image based on the resolution, can display any HTML content, so it can be used not just for images. All around it’s much better.

The jQuery library alone looks promising. It’s very small and the idea behind looks fun. I am planning to use it on one of my AJAX projects. I’ll report my experiences with it.

New design is done!

I deployed the new design for my blog. I was aiming for a clean, easy on eyes and foremost usable one. I am quite happy with it. There is still some work to be done but basicaly it’s finished. How do you like it? I plan to distribute this as a WordPress theme (with a few modifications).

With the new design comes one big change — I am going to write this blog in english from now on. The goal is simple. I want my blog to be as much popular as possible. live

Note: This article is in slovak language.

Konečne po dlhom čase som sa rozhýbal a kúpil poriadny hosting a vlastnú doménu. Toto je len prechodná verzia stránky. Ako ste si možno všimli beží tu WordPress a asi to tak aj ostate. Akurát sa zmení téma na nejakú custom made. Oproti môjmu starému blogu, ktorý v čase písania ešte stále beží, sem pribudnú nové kategórie a dúfam, že bude aj aktívnejší.